How big companies are being layers about what exactly their products contain and what side effects they might have for our children. Since 2001 Gerber one of the most trusted companies of babies’ food was bought for Nestle, a company that has a very wide collection of babies’ food ingredients. Even though people consider Nestle an organic and natural company; they use moderated GMO. Gerber is now out of the list of GMO’s free babies’ food; due to it many mothers are now questioning these two companies. First of all, let’s have a short explanation about GMO food (genetically modified organism) this are food that are delivered to us with an alteration in their DNA and not in a natural way. This innovation was bought to the market in the 1990’s to help duplicate the profit of the factories and is use in soy bean, corn, and canola. In 2006 a pig was engineered to produce omega-3 fatty acid trough this new innovation gene. Of course critics came out right away.
To begin, Gerber now out of the free GMO food is trying to come with this new organic product that contain basically the same amount of sodium that the regular does. Gerber babies’ food to be specific, cans organic food has a 60 % of sodium while the regular has a 75 % of it. The question here is what makes this particular organic food different from the GMO food? There is no difference because women should not be feeding their child with a lot of sodium. This mineral (sodium) taken in a high dose can lead to a child as an adult to suffer one of the most dangerous illness in the USA which is High Blood pressure and any other disease related to cardiovascular disease. That’s why it’s important to watch out our children diets.
On the other hand, recent researches have shown in china how an economical crisis has become with agricultural workers due to the number of food production with the GMO. The association of green revolution didn’t stay apart of this matter. It is incredible how plants and animals are being modified to resist pets and disease even though agricultural biotechnology has been growth rapidly. We all know that china is one of the biggest places for agricultural workers because of the high population that they have not letting everyone of them get better jobs. In china genetically engineering is seen as improvements for the economy of the country. Agricultures do not see it like that. They think they are taking away their jobs.
To conclude, women as mothers have to understand that giving children genetically modified or high minerals food are exposing their children to suffer conditions that may not have cure or may not be able to be treated on time.
Monday, April 26, 2010
Saturday, March 20, 2010
how to eat healthy on a budget...
(this is a letter to one of my best friend that recently moved to NYC)
Dear Soffi :
Hoping that you feel better from the allergies that you recently caught because of that junk food that you have been eating. Since I consired our relationship strong enaugh, I will like to advise you with some researches that i made to find out how to eat healthy in a budget.
There are so many reasons why people don't eat healthy specially if they live in New York city like we do. Some people don't have time, are not well educated about healthy food, and the most important the cost of organic food or healthy food like we called it.So here are some steps that i will like you to follow because I even though it is not easy to have a very good schedule having on mind the huge number of things that we have to do in one day if we work, go to school, and take care of a family in New York city.
step1: Try to always make your own schedule allowing you some time at least to take some fruits or vegetable from your home and eat them even if it is on the train. That will make u full for a few hours taking in considaration eat food like hole grains that grwo in the stomach. You have to keep on mind that we are trying to make you eat healthier so you will have to try to get a place that sell the most healthier possible fruits and vegetables so that way you will get more nutrients from them... Here are some links that will help you find places like that in New York city. Local business results for organics fruits near New York, NY ===> Here there is another one that even make deliveries which is more convenient for you if you do not have the time to go food shopping
Organic Fruit and Veggie Club Organic Produce Delivery Organic ...
Step2: Having talk already about breack fast, now lets talk about lunch. Students normally eat from the streets because of the busy life, but we have to think that most og the food serve on the streets are the most antiorganic ones. They either were left out to much or are bought at the lowest price meaning that they are good cualiries. So Thinking about our budget the food from the street will cost us more than the one that we can cook at home that will deffenetly be healthier. Now a days we can do everything online and if you dont have time to go to the supermarket, here is naother link to get any kind of organic meat that you will like () . this is a page that has a very long list of farmers that u might be interesting on. Also if you feel hungry after a few hour there is some store all over New York like GNC, Vitamin Shops, Organics markets and more that sell organics bars, nuts, drinks which will be pretty interesting to have it "on the go".
Step3: To conclude our step 3 will be your dinner, we all know that eating a lot late will make us develop some bad habits with our digestive system, nervous system, and also some problems to sleep because in most of the cases the body does not digest the food when our metabolism is working slow. So having a shake as a meal replacement will be one of the best choise but always thinking that we are looking for the most natural posible option; there for, try to make your own shaake at home.
Soffi hoping that you will pay attention to my advise, I wish you the best in life for you and all of yours.
Sincerely Sheila Gonzalez
Saturday, March 13, 2010
How to have healthier children.

In the 1970 here in USA, MacDonald had a 4% of the market of potatoes, now we are talking about the 80% of the market. That means they are the most popular corporation of fast food that serve potatoes.
Now in our society, specially in New York, most of the parents take their children to eat fast food, because of time matters, insufficiency of money or they laziness for cooking healthy food. Those reasons make me think in possible ways of how to help our children to live longer and healthier.
We have to show the parents some sources of how fast food is being delivered to us:
1- We have to show parents that the food we eat specially fast food is not always they way it looks. Talking about meat a few months ago a very good trailer called Food Inc. produced by Eric Scholosser and pretty much covered a lot about how meat is being processed before we eat it in fast food restaurants. Some animal are killed the worst way possible, being cut off for people that only knows how to cut animals NOT MEAT.
It will help us to keep our children healthier and less obese, meaning that they will live a longer and healthier live.
2- We have to conduct the parents to teach their children how to eat more times and less quantities, meaning that children will eat small portions of food but more time in a day, helping them to boost their metabolisms to get a better digestion and more energy as well.
Also, Some fast food restaurants need to think they can also make money helping people how to live better and healthier serving fresh and healthier food.
To conclude, we just want everybody to help themselves and others as well, to eat healthier, because nowadays everything is coming more and more artificial and that is a cause of most of the health problems our society is facing.
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